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Friday, December 24, 2004

Morning Madness Musing

It is 5.13 a.m., and I am wide awake. Managed to sleep a bit just now... but then I woken up for no apparent reason. My brain is on a hyperdrive. I kept thinking "Will the CD sell?" "Will people trust me enough to buy for me?" "Why am I doing all this?" "What if I 'kena' fraud?" "What if I lose money in this?" "What if people think I am nothing but just another Idol fanatics?" "Why am I losing sleep over things like this?"

Many times I am tempted to give up on blogging this way. The relentless web scouring and newspaper flipping can be very monotonous at times. The hours spent in front of my PC gave me stiff neck, heavy eye bags and scoffing online pals who thought I have deserted them for good. The money spent on domain names, softwares, magazines, tickets ought (and better to) be spent on something else. Like getting a better coach ticket home during the coming CNY holiday.

I guess, for someone who have spent so much effort on this phenomenon, the question will ultimately be - can you honestly answer to yourself that you truly love what you havebuilt, so painstakingly put together and have no regrets at all when, one fine day, all these hype will blow over? If you can give yourself a selfless, resounding yes, then this is for you.

I am never a person who dwell on deep thinking like this. But this loss of sleep serve like a wake up call. While I am unable to say "aye" enthusiastically to my own probing above, I must say this had been one fun journey. So, while the fun lasted, expect nothing less than perfection from TaufikBatisah.net.

Because yours truly has truly been Taufik-ed.

Merry Christmas Eve!


At 12:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We, a few Taufik-supporters, truly appreciate your efforts. Keep up the good works but don't make yourself unduly stressed over things. Just do whatever makes u happy. MERRY CHRISTMAS !

At 2:44 PM, Blogger Summersnail said...

This is quite a herculean effort Raz - maintaining a blog & trying to source for the latest info on our idol. I cant say much on behalf of others, but each time I'm on the net - be it at home or work, I'd always make it a point to come here. Merry X'Mas and happy hols ahead.

At 5:50 PM, Blogger LovelyLolla said...

Heys! =D I just wanna tell u tt I reallie wanna grab hold of the autographed CD. Budden i dun have paypal or atm card. I can only pay cash. So, how???? Pls, pls, pls!!! I want it, pls!! hAHA *Read:not whining* Help me kaes? Get in touch with me thru my blog's taggie or just mail me at messthrillcall@hotmail.com, yeah?

At 11:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nooo...don't you dare stop. I need my feeds and you're just the person to get it for me.


ps - go update your personal blog-lah :P

At 12:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

cant wait to buy the album. meanwhile make do with listening taufik's song through your website everyday.
btw, would you happen to have the list of the songs in his new album. thanks!

At 1:01 AM, Blogger Kelvin said...

heys... i also have the same problem! i have no paypal nor atm card... also only can pay by cash... so could u please help me? i would really really want to have the autographed CD!! pls... thx so much!! please email me at kel_ojh@hotmail.com if not kelojh@gmail.com. both are in working order. thx once again and merry xmas!


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