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Thursday, November 25, 2004

5 Tips For Your First Date

Alright, so you got your best shirt and pants on. You sprayed on your sexiest perfume generously. You styled your hair for so long in front of the mirror that your arms ached. You are all out to make the best first impression. After all, it is your first date.

But what counts, honey, is how you handled your first date. Here are some tips to get you going:

1) NEVER bring your first date to an expensive place for dinner - you may terrify more than impress. Go for something simple, but your dinner should still be an experience. Think sushi bar or Marche

2) Keep the conversation light-hearted. Talks on your family dreams and what names you want to give to your offsprings are sweet, but they are also great DANGER sign for your date. Cool it there, it's only the first date

3) If you run out of things to talk about, think of something, anything to ask your date, and keep the conversation focused on your date. It helps if you mentally make a list of things you talked about before the first date

4) Should you have the misfortune that your date is less suave than you thought, keep your disappointment to yourself and act cool. Not all dates are perfect, and neither are you

5) It's time to call it a night, and you are prepared to send your date home. DON'T. it might be sweet, and your date might even like it. But the doubts if you should be invited into the house, or if you should be given a good bye kiss, or... (you get the ideas) can hurt a first date out

Dating is fun, but doesn't mean you really come as you are. Be mentally prepared and enjoy the night out!

P.S: Hey there, thanks for a great night out. I mean it.


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